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Complementary feeding of young children in developing countries: a review of current scientific knowledge, 1998
[ Скачать с сервера (13.85 Mb) ] 29.12.2015, 23:45

The ultimate objective of this document is to provide the background information that is necessary for the development of scientifically sound feeding recommendations and appropriate intervention programmes to optimize children's dietary intake and enhance their nutritional status. The review is intended primarily for health professionals and others concerned with the nutrition, health, and well-being of children in developing countries. Although much of the information may also be relevant for young children in industrialized countries, the document focuses on the particular needs of children in low-income settings, and the recommendations have been formulated with consideration of the economic and environmental constraints that are common in developing countries. The presentation assumes that the reader has some familiarity with basic concepts of nutrition science.

Категория: Прикорм | Добавил: yko | Теги: young children, complementary feeding
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