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Complementary feeding. Family foods for breastfed children, 2000
[ Скачать с сервера (7.04 Mb) ] 29.12.2015, 22:24

The information in this book will help you to understand more about the nutritional value of foods available in your area and will be useful when you advise and counsel families on child feeding. Space is provided for notes on your local situation so that you can adapt the feeding recommendations for the communities where you work. There is a section at the end (pages 46—47) to explain the meaning of words that may be unfamiliar. The book is for everyone responsible for the health and nutrition of young children, particularly health and nutrition workers, and their trainers. It will be of practical value for the in-service training of health workers, such as those taking the WHO/UNICEF courses on the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness, and other counselling or training courses on breastfeeding.

Категория: Прикорм | Добавил: yko | Теги: complementary foods, children, прикорм
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