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Essential Newborn Care, 2010
29.12.2015, 01:55

This course aims at increasing understanding and knowledge about principles and practice of essential newborn care, including breastfeeding management and at developing the corresponding skills and attitudes among health professionals in charge of delivery and neonatal care. The final session aims at leading the participants to action at their own health facility level through the preparation of a “Plan of Action”. This course deals with all the clinical and organizational problems of newborn care, including breastfeeding that should be managed at primary and secondary levels of care and also provides indications for referral to tertiary care centres.

Directors guide

Trainers guide

Training file

Participants workbook

Clinical practice

Classroom practice

Категория: Обучающие курсы | Добавил: yko | Теги: newborn, breastfeeding, обучающие курсы, Essential care
Просмотров: 1066 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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