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Protecting, promoting and supporting breast-feeding: the special role of maternity services, 1989
[ Скачать с сервера (1.85 Mb) ] 06.10.2018, 23:18

In our world of diversity and contrast, we believe that this state ment on the role of maternity services in promoting breastfeeding is striking for its universal relevance. The principles affirmed here apply anywhere maternity services are offered, irrespective of such labels as “developed” and “developing”, “North” and “South”, “modern” and “traditional”. And the health professionals and other workers responsible for these services are well placed to apply them by providing the leadership needed to sustain, or if necessary re-establish, a “breast-feeding culture”.

Категория: Грудное вскармливание | Добавил: yko | Теги: 10 шагов, грудное вскармливание, воз, breastfeeding, Ten Steps
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